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leadership library

noel tiufino

Noel is a managing partner at My Accounts. In this episode, he shares his story of unknowingly finding his niche through things that come easy and natural to him–from sports, to music, to landing a job with only the most basic excel skills to start. Noel also shares many lessons and experiences from over a decade of managing people and a true story example of why the best person in a role isn’t necessarily the best fit to manage a team.

amy perrett

Our first female guest on the show only happens to be the first female referee to officiate a Super Rugby match. Hear Amy’s story as she shares her journey, the unique challenges she’s had to face in her career and the barriers of society that she continues to shatter.

For the past 25 years, Daniel Johns has been working with the CEOs, principals, and key stakeholders within various organisations; his focus expertise is on cybersecurity–thoroughly assessing a businesses needs and risks well before technology enters the conversation. He is currently the Head of Services at ASI Solutions, the vice-chair of a not-for-profit industry association, CompTIA ANZ, and is a Chartered Manager through the Institute of Managers and Leaders.

Todd talks about his humble beginnings as a rides manager to climbing up the ranks, eventually finding himself taking on the leadership role at Australia’s classic global attractions such as Wonderland and Luna Park. Todd also shares the priceless lessons and wisdom he’s gained throughout more than 30 years of leadership and the importance of giving value to the team.

Alicia Lykos and Sustainable Salons CEO, Paul Frasca, talk about the journey of finding one’s purpose and how a simple yet profound outlook can make a huge impact in the world. Paul talks about his struggles growing up and fitting in, carving his own path, and how he’s managed to rally an entire team to spearhead a unique business model based entirely on sustainability.