2020 report
The State of Talent Optimisation in 2020
The Predictive Index surveyed 600 executives across 20 industries to understand the relationship between company performance and talent optimization. Read the highlights here—and download the full report to find out which specific talent optimization practices lead to positive business outcomes.
key finding no. 1
Employee performance is a top concern
Execs worry about employee performance and productivity. When asked “What about your job keeps you up at night?” They replied:
- Employee performance and productivity 34%
- Staying withing our budget 29%
- Hiring the right people 26%
key finding no. 2
The reason why bad hires get fired
61% of execs say employees are terminated because they lack the behavioral fit or cognitive ability needed for the job. When asked “What is the most common thing those people are lacking?” They replied:
- The right behavioural makeup for the job 31%
- The intelligence required for the job 30%
- Coachability 18%
key finding no. 3
More and more executives are focusing on Talent Optimisation
37% of executives reported that their number one priority is improving talent strategy. When asked to rank their which of the following were a number 1 priority in the company, the results were:
- Talent Strategy: How you hire and manage people 37%
- Building the right business strategy 29%
- Operational execution 16%
key finding no. 4
Less than half have the right tools to examine senior team fit
Only 47% of executives have tools that accurately evaluate whether they have the right executive team in place. When asked “How do you assess if you have the proper team in place to execute your strategy?” They replied:
- We use tools to accurately identify this 47%
- It’s largely based on our gut-feel 41%
- We’ve no idea and are only hoping for the best 16%

Learn how you can design a talent strategy that gives your business maximum impact
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